What can Living On An Earthquake Fault Line Teach Us About Obesity

Liz Jackson
3 min readJun 23, 2021

Let me throw an analogy at you. Imagine you have lived your whole life on an earthquake fault line. Things sometimes fall off the shelf so you put them back on the shelf. But they keep falling off the shelf.

You could call the builder and blame him for things falling off the shelf so he must not have built the house right. The builder naturally says that everything is correct and you should be more careful with how you place your items on the shelf to stop it happening. Perhaps you are to blame so you make a mental note to be more careful.

Things continue to fall off the shelf and you hear that there is a thing called an earthquake and that sometimes makes the house rattle, causing things to fall off the shelf. The experts and professionals tell you that the best option is to make your foundations stronger and structured in a way that makes them more agile so that they can withstand the quakes, as they are part of life — just a bit of “seasoning” or “flavor” and that you can learn to live with them by changing your foundations and placing your items in certain ways so that they can withstand the earthquakes better and stop falling off the shelf.


You can move away from the area where there are constant earthquakes, have a regular house and then you will be able to enjoy your items sitting on the shelf where they are not at risk of falling off.


Obesity has very little, if anything, to do with lack of exercising or a poor diet

Let’s follow this same scenario with obesity. Instead of items falling off the shelf.

You put on a little bit of weight. We have been taught that this is because of the food we eat and a stagnant lifestyle so we try to adjust our eating and movement habits to stop putting the weight on and we blame the makers of different foods for what they do to the food.

Experts and professionals have bombarded us with nutritional advice, telling us that we are not eating right or moving enough. We begin to point the finger at ourselves for not doing well enough and that it is our own fault that we cannot lose the weight. This causes us to lose a little of our self-esteem.

What not many are teaching is that you are living on a metaphorical fault line. Your sub-conscious has chosen to continually shake things up, causing fat to form on your body for any one of many reasons — most often it is for protection. I have talked about these reasons many times.

Our reaction is to blame food, ourselves or food producers for the problem but the connection between food and obesity actually causes a new problem. Before, it was just protection but now you have created a new problem that there is a connection between what you eat and putting on weight.

Then you created a new problem by blaming yourself and reducing your self-esteem, which causes you to eat, because that’s what we see on the television, which makes us put even more weight on because we created that connection earlier. Now there are three reasons why for your obesity and none of them actually have anything to do with the food you eat or the lack of exercise.

IT’S TIME TO MOVE — not exercise moving but moving your mindset. In my workshops LOOK GOOD IN THE MIRROR, I teach you other reasons that you put weight on. Then I teach you why you find it difficult, or impossible, to remove it. THEN I GIVE YOU THE TOOLS TO CAUSE YOUR BODY TO RETURN TO YOUR NATURAL SHAPE/SIZE WITHOUT DIETING OR EXERCISING.

Those are the tools for A Fabulous Life



Liz Jackson

Liz Jackson has discovered the REAL reason for the health issues and difficulties we face each day. Read why they happen and what you can do about it